UK commitment to H2020 projects
16.08.2017What happens to Horizon 2020 proposals and projects involving UK participants when the UK leaves the EU?
The UK Government has made the following commitment:
‘UK businesses and universities should continue to bid for competitive EU funds while we remain a member of the EU and we will work with the Commission to ensure payment when funds are awarded. The Government will underwrite the payment of such awards, even when specific projects continue beyond the UK’s departure from the EU.’
What happens to proposals where the grant agreement is signed only after the UK has left the EU?
The Government’s underwrite commitment guarantees awards where the application is submitted before exit and is subsequently approved after exit. This includes proposals which are informed of their success but, at the point of exit, have not signed a grant agreement, and proposals which have been submitted before exit and that are only informed of their success following exit. We will work with the Commission to ensure payment when funds are awarded.
Does this include projects with a two-stage application process?
Yes. The Government’s underwrite commitment covers awards for proposals submitted through a two-stage application process, provided that the proposal for the first stage of the application is submitted before the UK leaves the EU and that the application is subsequently approved. (This will cover applications for the 2019 calls).
Does this include funding applied for through non-standard application processes?
Yes. The UK Government understands that not all Horizon 2020 projects are applied for and funded in the same way. The Government’s underwrite will therefore cover those schemes not directly administered by the Commission but that award Horizon 2020 funding. UK Horizon 2020 participants should continue to apply for competitive EU funds while we remain a member of the EU, including those awarded through non-standard application processes. We will work with the Commission and other partners to ensure payment when funds are awarded.
If you have further questions regarding UK participation in Horizon 2020, please contact the relevant UK National Contact Point (NCP).
If you would like to see more of the content of Jo Johnson’s speech, you can read a full transcript on the UK Government’s website.