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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Bio NCPs: Do you want to understand social media better?


In BioHorizon‘s last meeting we mentioned that we‘re interested in improving social media as a tool for information sharing in SC2 related activities. In order for that to happen we need Bio NCPs assistance in mapping the needs of NCPs when it comes to using social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn)

Please help us help you by taking a short survey on your social media use.

This may then possibly be used to create a webinar on social media. It is not mandatory to answer all questions, and it is OK to take the survey anonymously. It is very brief and won‘t take you long to answer.  We would be grateful to have your answer before 10th of December.

The survey is here: https://goo.gl/forms/M54qhOUcE2e2SQ6I2