H2020 SC2 and KET-B Work Programmes for 2018-2020 (FINAL) adopted
15.07.2019SC2 workprogramme focuses on the sustainable management of land and waters to secure healthy food as well as on the delivery of public goods such as biodiversity and clean water. It supports innovative food and marine industries, the bioeconomy and dynamic rural areas.
KET-Biotec part of the workprogramme contributes to the development of emerging and cutting-edge biotechnologies and improving quality and quantity of biotech products in a variety of sectors.
In anticipation of the expected structure and content of Horizon Europe, €209 million brings together actions on food and natural resources. Co-creating methods and approaches are being tested through cross-cutting calls on interdisciplinary challenges such as Competitive, Low Carbon and Circular Industries.
H2020 SC2 workprogramme:
H2020 KET-Biotec workprogramme: