Mrs Serena Borgna
Tel.: +39 (0)648 939993
APRE is a non-profit research organisation, created upon the joint initiative of the Italian Ministry of Research and the European Commission in 1989, grouping together more than 100 member organisations, including both public and private research centres, industries, industrial associations, chambers of commerce, science parks and 50 universities, with the main objective to promote the participation on national and European RTD programmes. APRE received in 2001 the Quality Certification for its Project, training and promotion activities regarding research programmes (ISO EN 9001:2000). During its 20 years of experience, APRE has been participating in several projects (about 90) co-financed by the European Commission (DG Research and DG Enterprise). A renamed experience in training activities on several topics from project writing, project evaluation, valorisation of results, IPR and innovation issues (courses, workshops, info-days and seminars) complete its skills.
Coming from the Third EC Framework Programme, as well the subsequent ones (FP4, FP5, FP6 and FP7) and now in the HORIZON 2020, APRE has been appointed by the Italian Ministry of Research and the European Commission as host organization of the Italian National Contact Points for all the themes and sectors.
NCPs involved:
Institution legal name
Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
Institution short name
Via Cavour 71
00184 Roma
Tel. 06 48939993 Fax 06 48902550
Bruxelles Office
Rue du Trône 98
1050 Bruxelles