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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


BioHorizon’s Bio-NCP Practical Guide now available


The handbook is a comprehensive collection of information and practical guidelines on how to perform the daily work of a Bio-NCP. It addresses experienced NCPs as well as newcomers.

The first part of the BioHorizon Practical Guide provides general information about SC2, KET-B and related networks and instruments, in the ‘What you need to know section’. The second part provides an overview of the most common tasks and challenges encountered in the daily work of a NCP. It is then up to each NCP, newcomers and more experienced NCPs, to pick and choose the elements they think are most relevant to their daily work.

Bio-NCPs can download the handbook in BioHorizon’s internal document exchange platform BSCW here (login for internal exchange platform required): BioHorizon Bio-NCP handbook

Accredited Bio-NCPs can create a new BSCW account or request a new password here: Internal exchange platform BSCW