Logo of NCP Biohorizo
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Brussels, Belgium / 22.11.2018 - 23.11.2018

4th BioHorizon training, 6th Bio-NCP meeting and 4th BioHorizon advisory board meeting

BioHorizon invites all officially nominated Bio-NCPs to participate in an interactive training that will be held in Brussels on the 22nd of November 2018. The training will be attached to the SC2 NCP meeting organised by the European Commission that will take place on the 23rd of November.

The focus for the training session is 'The EIC instruments for innovation - Technicalities and success cases for a better assistance in the Bioeconomy sector'.

It aims at guiding the NCPs on the EIC pilot in Horizon 2020, providing an overview on its instruments (FET Open, SME Instrument, Fast Track to Innovation, Prize) and success cases in the Bioeconomy context. The training will facilitate a view exchange among the NCPs and the EIC experts on how to better target, inform and support European actors in the bioeconomy field interested in the EIC instruments.

You can download the draft programme here: http://download.apre.it/BioHorizon_4thBT_EIC_22.11.18_final.pdf

We invite all Bio-NCPs to express their interest to participate by contacting Serena Borgna (borgna@apre.it).


The 6th Bio-NCP meeting for SC2 NCPs will be organised by the European Commission on the 23rd of November 2018.

Immediately after the NCP meeting, BioHorizon organises the 4th BioHorizon advisory board meeting from 12:15 – 13:00. All officially nominated Bio-NCPs are invited to participate. The aim of the 4th BioHorizon advisory board meeting is to provide Bio-NCPs with information on the BioHorizon project activities, discuss the project progress and collect suggestions from Bio-NCPs regarding the future project development and the work plan.