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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Brussels, Belgium / 12.12.2019

Time’s up for food waste! Setting the EU action agenda towards 2030

Under the auspices of the Finnish Presidency to the Council of the EU, the Commission is organising, on 12 December 2019, a public conference dedicated to food loss and waste prevention. The event, held on occasion of the 7th meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste, will help define the EU action agenda and path towards the global target of halving food waste by 2030.

In an interactive format, speakers and audience will discuss the Platform’s recommendations for action in food loss and waste prevention, published on that day, and their role in mobilising EU action towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 12.3.

In line with the integrated, holistic approach needed to tackle food waste, the Platform recommendations will address action required, at each stage of the food supply chain including food redistribution, and involving all key players from the public and private sectors.

Given the limited capacity of the venue, we recommend that you register online for the event as soon as possible.

Registration: https://scic.ec.europa.eu/ew/register/dgscic/EU_Platform_2019/e/lk/g/11180/k/