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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Potsdam, Germany / 29.11.2016 - 30.11.2016

Smart Mitigation of GHG in Livestock Production

SusAn, ERA-GAS and ICT-AGRI have identified a number of potential areas of synergy. This workshop will explore one of those areas in detail: Comparison of animal production systems with respect to GHGs. Particular attention will be paid to the following two sub-topics:

  1. Production technology and management (e.g. housing systems; optimal field and grazing management)
  2. Breeding, physiology, feed & nutrition

The output of the workshop will be the basis for future joint calls and other activities between the three ERA-NETs.

Target audience are partners in the 3 ERA-NETs.

More information: http://www.faccejpi.com/Calendar/Common-Workshop-Smart-Mitigation-of-GHG-in-Livestock-Production