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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Brussels, Belgium / 15.11.2016

SEMINAR: Building an innovative and resilient forest bioeconomy

The bioeconomy can help to tackle many of the grand challenges of our time, including economic growth, climate change and scarcity of non‐renewable resources. Yet, the pre‐condition for successful forest‐based bioeconomy development is that it will be carried out in innovative, resilient and sustainable way.


Keynote speakers include:

Jyrki Katainen, European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
Anton Stredák, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic


Agenda: http://www.efi.int/files/attachments/thinkforest/nov2016/thinkforest_15_november_2410.pdf

Registration is free: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/building-an-innovative-and-resilient-forest-bioeconomy-tickets-26999625607


Date and Time: 15 November 2016, 13:30 – 17:00 CET

Venue: Residence Palace, 155 Rue de la Loi, 1048 Bruxelles, Belgium