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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Turku, Finland / 18.05.2016 - 19.05.2016

European Maritime Day 2016

The 9th European Maritime Day (EMD 2016) will take place in Turku, Finland. The programme consists of the Main Conference and Exhibition for registered participating stakeholders on 18th-19th of May, as well as a series of public maritime-themed events across the city of Turku in the following days.

The main Conference, under the theme “Investing in competitive blue growth - smart and sustainable solutions”, will focus on blue growth, ocean governance, clean energy and skills development, with the goal of providing input for future policies.

The Exhibition will showcase innovative ideas, products and services related to the themes of the conference, and the public days following the Conference and Exhibition will enrol citizens and EMD stakeholders in a series of happenings, concerts, exhibitions and other events across Turku.

Registration is free of charge, except for exhibitors (registration for holding exhibition booths closed on 15.02.2016): https://scic.ec.europa.eu/fmi/ezreg/EMD2016/registration
Further information about EMD2016 is available at the event website: http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en/turku-2016