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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Prague, Czech Republic / 06.04.2016 - 07.04.2016

FoodIntegrity 2016

The conference ‘Assuring the integrity of the food chain: fighting food fraud’ is  part of the 3rd meeting of the FoodIntegrity project (www.foodintegrity.eu) and focuses on the latest research outputs on developments and strategies in the field of food integrity - safety, quality, authenticity and traceability. It is aimed at representatives of funding bodies, food retailers, processing food industries, quality brands, public administration, control laboratories, NGOs and the research community who work in the food authentication area.

Scientific topics of the conference include: analytical tools for food authentication, food fraud system in the EU, analytical methodology etc.

You can find the scientific programme of the conference here: http://www.foodintegrity2016.eu/programme.html
Conference homepage: http://www.foodintegrity2016.eu/