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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 652637.


Vienna, Austria / 10.05.2016 - 11.05.2016

PLATFORM Master Class on Inclusiveness

The H2020 PLATFORM project ‘Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions’ is organising a Master Class (MC) for representatives from Low Performing Countries (LPCs) as defined in the Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Programme of H2020. The Master Class is being performed under PLATFORM’s Fostering inclusiveness task and organised by WP1: Practice: Efficient, effective, and inclusive organisation of ERA-NET activities.

The aim of the MC is to provide Programme funders/manager from LPCs with training and guidance on how to get actively involved in bioeconomy related collaboration actions. Specific topics for the Master Class on inclusiveness have been set up after intensive contacts with the relevant institutions and ERA‐NETs that succeeded in involving some of the relevant countries. The overall goal is a higher participation of those countries that are less active so far in ERA‐NET activities and joint calls, while they do have an interest to be more engaged.

It is of major importance to combine knowledge and build future co-funded ERA-NET projects on the already existing experiences. At this Master Class working methods and ideas will be shared, and a network of people one can ask questions when needed will be created.

For more information on the programme please visit the PLATFORM website